tristan hanson
Danvers High School
“I joined DECA when I first came into high school having no idea what to expect. Looking back, I couldn’t be more grateful that I stepped out of my comfort zone in this way. I remember my very first district competition being so nervous to speak in front of a judge, but continuing to practice, I fell in love with the idea of pitching a project that you’ve put so much hard work into. Some of my favorite memories have to be meeting so many new people at ICDC. This is truly such an incredible way to practice networking and communication skills that you’ll use all through your life. I think getting a really solid group together and truly understanding each of our individual strengths was a key part of what led us to getting glass. We complimented each other really well and everything flowed really easily with my team. Now, as a sophomore at Clemson University, I am participating in collegiate DECA and couldn’t be more excited!”
— Tristan, when asked about her DECA journey