welcome to mass deca

Massachusetts DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management.

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Be Part of our Legacy

With a 66-year history, Massachusetts DECA has resonated into a brand that people identify as a remarkable experience in the preparation of emerging leaders and entrepreneurs. Massachusetts DECA’s programs and activities have constantly evolved as we use the latest technology and apply cutting edge educational research. Watch our 2024 campaign video here:

DECA Prepares The Next Generation To Be:



DECA members are ambitious, high-achieving leaders equipped to conquer the challenges of their aspirations.



Recognizing the benefit of service and responsibility to the community, DECA members continually impact and improve their local and broader communities.



DECA members are poised professionals with ethics, integrity, and high standards.



DECA members are empowered through experience to provide effective leadership through goal setting, consensus building, and project implementation.

Meet State Action Team 66