Upcoming events.
Thank you to the over 200 judges who assisted at the 2024 MA DECA state career development conference
Save the date for February 27 & 28, 2025 when we move to our new location in Boston’s Seaport!
District 1 Conference
Judge Registration Link: https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fforms.gle%2f1M5PZ7zK55sPZfYQ8&c=E,1,aiAYlTYFNuCUzCPGTQMMQ1Nlm1DKgpj1yuF79IE6hGpedxyBxCMosNL0vr_hxSnXMjB6lEysfWO_nDetRwfEdUNjA82xhIOkSdSdXqUSrNXa8kCKcDgLZ_Bz6Q,,&typo=1
District 9 Conference
Judge Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1S3nqlZdFMh2ImBKz0g-CeR9c2tUHsg8K4P12bUn_edFTUA/viewform
District 8 Conference
Judge Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVp4QfDjx8HnxBObAV4rtZRKcbuT8DH02RU-JU5zpSB1hW8w/viewform?usp=sf_link. Thank you to all our wonderful judges!
State Only Challenges Due
All design challenges (except Cover Design), State Campaign submissions, and Chapter of Excellence submissions all due.
District 4 conference
District 4 Judge Sign-Up Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050E49A9A722A4FB6-51462838-mad4judge
april fundraiser spotlight due
Take part in Massachusetts DECA’s new fundraising spotlight by describing a fundraising activity completed by your chapter! This advice can earn your chapter statewide recognition and help other schools run similar fundraisers of their own.
march fundraiser spotlight due
Take part in Massachusetts DECA’s new fundraising spotlight by describing a fundraising activity completed by your chapter! This advice can earn your chapter statewide recognition and help other schools run similar fundraisers of their own.
february fundraiser spotlight due
Take part in Massachusetts DECA’s new fundraising spotlight by describing a fundraising activity completed by your chapter! This advice can earn your chapter statewide recognition and help other schools run similar fundraisers of their own.
DECa Day on the hill
Sign up using this link: https://forms.gle/HpfP7BswUSXeBHzm6
3 or more members will count as attendance at a non-competitive event for your chapter.